お詫び:現在たくさんの業務依頼を頂いているため、新たに業務依頼を頂くことが不可能な状態です。ただし、ご相談につきましては対応可能ですので、ご遠慮なくこのホームページ(お問い合わせ)からお申し付けください。大変申し訳ございません。どうぞ、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 あなたの身近で頼れる街の法律家です。あなたの権利を守ります。 We are your familiar and reliable city lawyer!We protect your rights.
主な取扱い業務は、遺言・相続手続き、成年後見人受諾、医療・介護支援、医療機関との顧問契約など多岐にわたります。お客様一人一人の状況やニーズに合わせて、最適なアドバイスとサービスを提供します。皆様の安心と信頼を獲得します。 Our main services include wills and inheritance procedures, acceptance of adult guardianship, medical and nursing care support, and advisory contracts with medical institutions. We provide the best advice and services tailored to each client's individual situation and needs. We will earn your peace of mind and trus |
行政書士の岡野勉(おかの つとむ)でございます。
Thank you very much for visiting the website of Tsutomu Okano Law Office. I am Tsutomu Okano, an administrative scrivener.I opened this website in April 2024.Although I am still new to the field of administrative scriveners, I would like to do my best, step by step, back to the basics, making use of the experience and knowledge I have cultivated so far.My first step as a member of society was being hired by the Universityof Tsukuba. I was given a variety of jobs from my rookie year, and along the way I also experienced working for the Ministry ofEducation. Thereafter, I served in a variety of positions, including Director of the General Affairs Division of Fukushima National College of Technology, National University Corporation, Director of the Administration Division of Gunma University Hospital,Director of the General Affairs Division of the University of Tsukuba Hospital, and Director of the International Medical CenterOffice, where I had overall responsibility for a wide range of operations. In addition, I have worked with many government agencies,including the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, FukushimaPrefecture, Iwaki City, Gunma Prefecture, Maebashi City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and Tsukuba City. With these experiences accumulated up to now, our primary goal at our office is to be attentive to the feelings of our clients, even in the most trivial matters, and toprovide consultation as kindly as if it were our own. We aim to create an environment that makes it as easy as possible for ourclients to consult with us, and at the same time, we aim to be a firm that is trusted for its sincere response and that can build along-lasting relationship with our clients. We still have a lot to learn, but with your support, we hope to make our office acommunity-based one.We also try to provide one-stop service for various consultations, and at times, we will collaborate with attorneys, judicial scriveners, tax accountants, land and house investigators, and other specialists to promptly resolve problems.As a side note, my hobbies are playing classical guitar and dancing Japanese dance.I look forward to working with you in the future.