よくあるご質問 Frequently Asked Questions


Q1 相続手続きの流れは? Inheritance Procedure Flow 

A. 相続が発生した際の手続きは複数のステップに分かれています。まず遺産分割協議を行い、遺産の分配を決定。次に必要な登記変更や相続税の申告を行います。
When an inheritance occurs, the process is divided into multiple steps. First, the estate is divided, and the necessary registration changes and inheritance tax returns are filed.

Q2 自筆証書遺言の書き方は? How to write a self-written will

A will prepared by the testator himself/herself. It must be written by the testator himself/herself. There are strict requirements, and it will be invalid if even a part of the will is made by someone else on behalf of the testator. The will is invalid if it omits information that should be included in the will, such as the date and the location of real estate.

Q3 会社設立の際の必要書類は? The documents required to establish a                                                            company are

A. 会社を設立する際には、定款や登記申請書など、複数の書類が必要です。また、設立の種類(合同会社や株式会社など)によって、必要な書類が異なります。
When establishing a company, several documents are required, including articles of incorporation and an application for registration. In addition, the required documents differ depending on the type of incorporation (e.g., joint stock company).